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Pre-departure To Do (1)

Move to To Do (2)

Formalities Required for Participation

There are various procedures required by the host universities, your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School, and the International Education Promotion Group (formerly the International Exchange Group, hereinafter the same) when you go to study abroad or participate in an overseas program. Please follow the instruction given by the host university and use the “Internal Procedures Checklist” which will be sent to those who are going to participate in the programs offered by the Center for Global Education (formerly the Division for Global Campus Initiatives). Please be aware that it is your own responsibility to check and complete thoroughly all the necessary procedures beforehand. On matters concerning enrollment, arranging your travels, obtaining visas, etc., make sure to follow the instructions given by the host university. You are also responsible for obtaining the latest information from the Embassy of the host country or region. Any cost incurred also falls on the individual. In case you are not allowed to participate due to some insufficient procedures, you cannot receive scholarships even if you are selected as a recipient of scholarships.

Procedures in the College, Faculty, or Graduate School of your Affiliation

・Please contact your academic supervisors and other faculty members beforehand and make sure that your travelling overseas does not cause any undue problems for them.
・Please check with the relevant offices in your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School and make sure to complete all the necessary procedures to study abroad. (Procedures such as submitting the “Application for Permission to Study Abroad”, “Notification of Going Abroad”, or “Notification of Leave of Absence” etc. may vary depending on your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School.) Make sure that you are aware whether or not you are supposed to pay your tuition fee or you are allowed to transfer credits, what your status and affiliation is considered to be during your studying abroad. With regards to your affiliation or the transfer of credits obtained while abroad, please see here (partly in Japanese only (January, 2019)) .
・(※Applicable only for participants in programs that have the possibility of credit transfer) Depending on the program, credits or certificates will be issued after the successful completion of the course at the host institution. However, whether or not you will be able to transfer any credits earned at your host university will depend on the decisions within you affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School. Please check and consult with relevant offices in your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School beforehand regarding the procedures concerning transfer of credits.

Contact during Your Travelling Overseas

If a problem occurs or you need advice, or an emergency arises, please speak immediately with the contact person at the host university or the University of Tokyo (relevant office of your College, Faculty, or Graduate School, or the International Education Promotion Group). In cases of emergency where you are in physical danger, contact the diplomatic and consular offices (Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan) in the host country to request assistance.
In the event of natural disasters, outbreak of contagious diseases such as swine flu, terrorist activities and so on, please contact the relevant offices in your College, Faculty, or Graduate School as well as the International Education Promotion Group, even if you are not in any harm, to inform us of your safety. Also, please keep in regular contact with your family. If you are going to be away from your normal place of residence travelling (including any trips back to Japan) for more than a week, make sure to notify the relevant offices of your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School and the International Education Promotion Group beforehand.
Those who are going to participate in programs administered by the Center for Global Education (formerly the Division for Global Campus Initiatives) (such as USTEP, UC Berkeley/Davis Programs, and other short-term study abroad programs) are required to update and submit the revised version of the “Notification of Going Abroad” to the International Education Promotion Group if there are any changes in the information written in the form.

(For those participating in long-term study abroad programs)

・Please inform the International Education Promotion Group of your return date using the “Notification of Going Abroad” form when the details of your return flight are confirmed. In case your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School require you to use a specific form to notify them of your return, please make sure to contact the relevant offices as well.
・It is your responsibility to communicate with the relevant offices of your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School so that you conduct all necessary procedures regarding transfer of credits and registering for classes.
・Please check and carry out the all necessary procedures on the “Internal Procedures Checklist” which will be sent to those who participate in the programs administered by the Center for Global Education (formerly the Division for Global Campus Initiatives).
・If your address, telephone number or e-mail address changes, please notify the International Education Promotion Group in addition to carrying out all the necessary procedures required by your affiliated College, Faculty, or Graduate School. This is essential for contacting you with necessary information on your return.

Useful information before and during your travel

This website contains reports by students with study abroad experiences. Practical information which are useful before and during travelling are also in the reports. Please make use of it for your reference. (Please note that there may be no reports for new partner university or new programs.)p>


Please fully comprehend the purpose of the program and strive to achieve sufficient academic or research results.
Please be conscious that while you are overseas you will be travelling as students representing the University of Tokyo. Abide all laws, rules regulations and manners of the host institution and country as well as that of the University. Please ensure to follow the instructions of the supervisors or contacts of the host institution and take care not to offend or go against local public policy and morals.
Personal information, such as name and contact details, submitted to your College, Faculty, or Graduate School as well as the International Education Promotion Group may be used by the International Education Promotion Group to contact you to request cooperation in the operation of the International Education Promotion Group (advertising and promoting of study abroad programs, advising students who wish to study abroad, answering questionnaires, etc.) in addition to the operation of this program.

Move to To Do (2)