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Talk event with Mr. Paul Polman

Event title

Net Positive: a mindset shift for courageous leaders willing to do what it takes to create an equal and sustainable world
-The important role for the next generation of leaders-
-Conversation with Paul Polman, co-author of “Net Positive”. An opportunity for students to gain insights from the former Unilever CEO on running a business that is both profitable and purposeful-

Event information

Date: Monday, November 21, 2022, 19:00 – 20:00
Venue: 21 KOMCEE West Lecture Hall, Komaba Campus, UTokyo


This is a talk event with Mr. Paul Polman. Mr. Paul Polman has experiences as a business representative involved in the setting of the SDGs. The first half of the event will start with the opening remarks from the President Teruo Fujii and then a “fire side chat” between Mr. Polman and Prof. Naoko Ishii, Executive Vice President (Moderator) will follow. Through their dialogue, the importance of achieving the SDGs, the difficulties which Mr. Polman has faced as a business leader, and advice on how to advance SDGs will be introduced. In the latter half of the event, participating students will be given a chance to ask questions and learn more.

- Mr. Paul Polman: One of the most highly regarded business leaders in the promotion of sustainability. Co-founder and Chair of IMAGINE, the Honorary Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce, and former CEO of Unilever. He will be a speaker at the “Tokyo Forum”, an international forum which the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) will co-host with the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies (Chey Institute).
- IMAGINE: An association of business leaders from global companies that address issues such as climate change and global inequality
- Prof. Naoko Ishii: Executive Vice President, UTokyo. Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, UTokyo. Director, Center for Global Commons

Registration form

Target: Maximum 100 students.
Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 23:59 (Extended)


・Before applying, applicants must make sure that the event does not interfere with their UTokyo courses since no considerations will be made to attend the event. Applicants are responsible for the scheduling and their study plan.
・Absences from the University’s courses to participate in the event will not be approved. Therefore, students must confirm that their course schedule does not conflict with the event.


ポスター (You can download the pdf file of the poster by clicking the picture above.)