Expanding Brain Function Using AI (AI-assisted Expansion of Perception, Sensibility, and Cognitive Performance)

Yuji Ikegaya
Institute for AI and Beyond
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
We will explore “symbiotic emergence” from a hybrid of the brain and AI, and develop a new dimension of perception, sensitivity, and cognition. The “symbiotic emergence” refers to the extension of intelligence that occurs as a result of interactions between the brain and various objects such as the environment, body, and machines, and our goal is to develop AI that can support such interactions. Specifically, we will work on the development of technologies to expand the interfaces and brain capabilities to support interactions between the brain and outside world, as well as technologies for elucidating the principles and mechanisms for understanding interactions and to collect and analyze information that contributes to this understanding.
Institute for AI and Beyond

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  • SDG3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


  • Institute for AI and Beyond    
  • Email: info[at]beyondai.jp
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