Investigating the quantum physiology of photosynthetic organisms

  • 1.2 Quantum chemistry
  • 2.2 Quantum sensing(Quantum metrology/Sensing/Imaging, Optical lattice clocks)
  • 2.3 Quantum materials(Topological materials/Thermoelectric devices/Functional materials)
  • 2.4 Quantum optics/Quantum teleportation(Quantum optical network/Quantum repeaters)
Keisuke Goda
Graduate School of Science
We aim to develop time-resolved surface-enhanced stimulated vibronic spectroscopy to study the quantum coherent interaction between molecular vibrations and excitons in photosynthetic organisms.
Concept of studying quantum physiology of photosynthetic organisms using time-resolved vibronic spectroscopy
Applications that are facilitated based on an understanding of the quantum physiology of photosynthetic organisms

Research collaborators

National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Related publications

Chen, N., Xiao, T. H., Luo, Z., Kitahama, Y., Hiramatsu, K., Itoh, T., Cheng, Z., Goda, K.. Porous carbon nanowire array for highly sensitive, biocompatible, reproducible surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.12848 (2019).

Related patents

合田圭介, Zhenzhou Cheng, Tinghui Xiao, Nan Chen, "ラマン散乱増強基板およびその製造方法," 東京大学特願2018-232111, Dec. 12, 2018.


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