Elucidating the nature of Quark Matter at the LHC-ALICE Experiment and Developing the new quantum measurement technologies

  • 1.5 Quantum interdisciplinary sciences(Life science, Mathematics, Particle physics, Space science, Astronomy, Quantum gravity, etc.)
  • 2.2 Quantum sensing(Quantum metrology/Sensing/Imaging, Optical lattice clocks)
Taku Gunji
Graduate School of Science
Associate Professor
The ALICE Experiment at CERN is dedicated to exploiting the unique physics potential of high-energy heavy-ion collisions at energies achievable by the LHC. Our mission is to understand the detailed characterization of strongly interacting quark matter at the highest energy densities in the laboratory. We also aim to develop new quantum measurement technologies and information processing technologies for the next generation of the ALICE experiment.
ALICE Experiment
New development of particle detectors and readout electronics

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Research collaborators

ALICE Experiment

Related publications

ALICE Collaboration, K. Aamodt, T. Gunji, et al., “The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC”, JINST 3 (2008).


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