Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems

  • 1.5 Quantum interdisciplinary sciences(Life science, Mathematics, Particle physics, Space science, Astronomy, Quantum gravity, etc.)
  • 2.3 Quantum materials(Topological materials/Thermoelectric devices/Functional materials)
Naomichi Hatano
Institute of Industrial Science
Open quantum systems are microscopic quantum systems that interact with macroscopic materials. In experiments on quantum systems, measurement probes, which are macroscopic, interact with the experimental objects, and hence quantum objects in any experiments are unavoidably open quantum systems. However, most theories treat the interactions with macroscopic materials only perturbatively, and thus the experiments that try to confirm the theories have to pay considerable effort and money to measure the objects very softly in order not to perturb the objects too much. By revealing interesting phenomena that emerge only in open quantum systems, we can revolutionize the way we carry out experiments.
We can describe decay and growth clearly by breaking down the time dependence of the survival probability to a microscopic system into the resonant and anti-resonant components, respectively.
N. Hatano and G. Ordonez, Time-Reversal Symmetry and Arrow of Time in Quantum Mechanics of Open Systems, Entropy 21 (2019) 380 (14 pages)

Research collaborators

Gonzalo Ordonez, Tomio Petrosky, Savannah Garmon

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