Corporate Sponsored Research Program: Capital Markets and Public Policy

  • SDG8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • SDG9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • SDG10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • SDG12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • SDG16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • SDG17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Takayuki Moriya
Graduate School of Public Policy
Project Professor
Gen Goto
Graduate Schools for Law and Politics
Excellent financial systems and capital markets are extremely important to the economy as a whole. In this field, the progress of internationalization and technological innovation, such as financial technology (fintech), is remarkable, and market competition is ever intensifying internationally. It is indispensable to respond to these trends for conducting policy planning properly. This course is a research program, sponsored by Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd., including lectures on financial systems, capital markets and finance. It also invites a wide range of experts from industry, government and academia to undertake multidisciplinary research to form the educational research base on this field. The results of research and education will be widely communicated to society in the form of papers, book publications, symposiums, among other means.
Industry-government-academia forum regarding financial capital markets
Publications by member of the course

Related links

Research collaborators

- Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Markets Strategic Intelligence Dept., Industry - Government - Academia Collaboration Office

- Naoya Ariyoshi, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy

- Sadakazu Oosaki, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy

Related publications

- Gen Goto, Masaru Ono, Takayuki Moriya, "Ugokidasu "Chochiku kara Toushi he"-- Shisan-Unyo-Rikkoku he no Kadai to Chosen(Restart of the Shift from Savings to Investment -- Issues and Challenges in Promoting Japan as a Leading Asset Management Center)" , Kinzai, 2024 (in Japanese)
- Tomonori Yuyama, "ESG-Toushi to Performance (ESG Investments and Performance)" , Kinzai, 2020 (in Japanese)
- Hiroyuki Kansaku, Masaru Ono, Tomonori Yuyama, "Kinyu-Shihonshijyo to Koukyo-seisaku(Financial Capital Markets and Public Policy)", Kinzai, 2020 (in Japanese)
- Hiroyuki Kansaku, Masaru Ono, Tomonori Yuyama, "Kinyu-Shihonshijyo no Frontiers (Frontiers of Financial and Capital Markets)", Chuokeizai-sha, 2019 (in Japanese)
- Hiroyuki Kansaku, Masaru Ono, Tomonori Yuyama, "Kinyu to IT no Seisaku-gaku (Finance and IT Policy Studies)", Kinzai, 2018 (in Japanese)
- Hiroyuki Kansaku, Masaru Ono, Yoshichika Imaizumi, et. al., "Corporate Governance to Kigyo-Sangyo no Jizokuteki- Seicho(Corporate Governance and Sustainable Growth of Companies and Industries) ", Shojihomu, 2018 (in Japanese).
- Hiroyuki Kansaku, Masaru Ono, Yoshichika Imaizumi, "Shisan-Unyo no Koudoka ni mukete - Investment-chain wo tsuujita Keizai-Seicho (Toward Advanced Asset Management)", Kinzai, 2017 (in Japanese).
- Tomoko Amaya, "Kinyu-kinou to Kinyu-kisei (Financial function and Financial regulation)", Kinzai, 2012 (in Japanese).
- Hideki Kanda, Masaru Ono, Shinya Ishida, "Corporate Governance no Tenbo (Corporate Governance Outlook)", Chuokeizai-sha, 2011 (in Japanese).
And Others.


  • Office of Corporate Sponsored Research Program (Capital Markets and Public Policy)

  • Email: cmpp[at]
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