Integrated Environmental Design Program (IEDP)

  • SDG2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • SDG3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • SDG11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • SDG12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Akiko Okabe
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
This action-oriented educational program aims to learn how to design regions and cities based on the concept of environmental studies. Regions or cities, where people are living, can be interpreted as an integrated environment of nature, buildings and social spaces. Professors of various genres -- ranging from architecture to landscape design, to urban or rural planning to structural engineering -- run their own design studios. In addition, this program incorporates common lecture series. This program is an attempt to build a sustainable regional society by re-integrating segregated specific design fields.
Workshop on an informal area in Jakarta
Proposal for a public space in front of the Kashiwa-no-ha campus train station.

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Research collaborators

- Kaoru SAITO
- Tomochika TOKUNAGA
- Atsushi DEGUCHI
- Jun SATO

Related publications

- Norimasa TAKAYAMA, Kaoru SAITO, Akio FUJIWARA (2016): Influence of Long-term Forest Therapy in for the Restorativeness of Mind and Body including a Camping Experience, Papers on environmental information science, Vol.30 55-60
- Jun SATO (2015): Architectural Structural Design Studio - NEBUTA Structure, Shinkenchiku, 2015 Mar.
- Jun SATO (2015): Nebuta Tectonics, GA JAPAN No.135 2015 Jul.170-173
- Jun SATO (2017): Welded Wire Mesh Structure, GA JAPAN No.145 2017 Mar. 162-164
- Tomohiko AMEMIYA, Akiko OKABE (2017): Report on the Practical Architectural Design Practice Composed of “Short Term Workshop” and “Long-stay Architectural Practice”-A Case Study in an informal Settlement in Jakarta-, AIJ journal of technology and design.
- Akiko OKABE (2017): The Right to the City: “Leaving No One Behind“ on the SDGs Message, SEKAI 2017 Sep. 161-172
- Eiji YAMAJI (2016): Thinking of Local Autonomy from Urban Agriculture, KOU(Report of Yamazaki Institute of Agriculture), No.137, 1-2
- Eiji YAMAJI, Ernan RUSTIADI, YonHoon SON (2017): Land use planning in RURBAN Areas in Indonesia, Korea and Japan, Journal of Rural Planning Association, 36(2),189-192
Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus