Compilation, Analysis, and Construction of Database for Historical Materials of Past Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions

  • SDG11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Kenji Satake
The Collaborative Research Organization for Historical Materials on Earthquakes and Volcanoes
The Collaborative Research Organization for Historical Materials on Earthquakes and Volcanoes has been established as a result of collaboration between the Earthquake Research Institute and the Historiographical Institute at the University of Tokyo. In this interdisciplinary organization, historians and seismologists work together to develop a scientific database system that can provide long-term information about seismic and volcanic activities in Japan by compiling and analyzing historical materials. This historical data is essential for long-term forecasts of future seismic and volcanic hazards, which in turn will lead to creating sustainable cities and communities.
Tile block print of the 1855 Edo (former Tokyo) earthquake
Library, Earthquake Research Institute
Database of historical materials based on Geographical Information System
Collaborative Research Organization for Historical Materials on Earthquakes and Volcanoes

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Research collaborators

- Earthquake Research Institute
- Historiographical Institute

Related publications

- Harada, T., Nishiyama, A., Satake, K. and Furumura, T., The Hyuga-nada earthquake on June 30th, 1498 is a fake earthquake, Zisin, 70, 89-107 (in Japanese with English abstract). DOI: 10.4294/zisin.2016-13
- Nishiyama, A., Ebara, M., Katagiri, A., Oishi, Y. and Satake, K., Development of historical earthquake and volcanic activity database using historical diaries, IAG-IASPEI-joint scientific assembly, August 2017 (abstract S04-P-01).
- Satake,K., Muragishi, J., Nishiyama, A., Ebara, M., Yata, T. and Ishibe, T., Document database for historical earthquakes around Tokyo area, IAG-IASPEI-joint scientific assembly, August 2017 (abstract S04-4-02).


  • Yasuyuki Kano
  • Email: ykano[at]
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