
  • SDG4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Yuhei Yamauchi
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies and Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies
UTalk is a cafe event regularly held on the second Saturday of every month at “UT Cafe BERTHOLLET Rouge” inside the University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies’ Fukutake Hall. the purpose of this event is to act as an interface between the University of Tokyo and the society at large for knowledge sharing

Researchers of the university active in various fields are invited to each event as guest speakers, and they talk about the details of their research such as research methods and their perspectives, as well as relevant topics. UTalk offers a lot of time to interact with the guests, and the casual, teatime-like atmosphere helps them to enjoy spending with all other participants. This project started in April 2008, and UTalk events have been held more than 100 times as of October 2017. Our website gives monthly updates on the guest speakers’ talk and a summary of the meetings (https://fukutake.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/utalk/(Japanese)).


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Related publications

- Reina Mori , Keita Nakano, Shoko Aoki, Kohei Sugiyama(2017)Motives for Participating in and Learning at University-Sponsored Cafe Research report of JET Conferences,17(3),51-58.


  • Yuhei Yamauchi
  • Email: utalk[at]iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus