The programs are posted on Direct Application Programs after AY2023.
The programs are different from The University of Tokyo Short-Term Summer Study Abroad Programs administered by the Center for Global Education which usually starts accepting applications around April every year.
We are accepting applications for summer programs in 2023 hosted by partner universities. Students may apply for programs and courses listed in the "List of Accepted Programs" below. Students wishing to participate in these programs/courses should check for the latest information and apply directly to the host universities. Please note that by also applying internally to UTokyo, students may receive the following benefits. (1) UTokyo will provide students with information and support for application procedures, as well as scholarships (if they meet the eligibility and requirements). (2) Some programs are available with reduced tuition fees for students who apply through UTokyo. (3) They may be preferentially nominated for partial tuition waiver based on the agreement between the partner universities and UTokyo. (Applicable to specific programs/courses. At present, no programs/courses fall under this condition.)
Applications to programs and courses on the ‘‘Program/Course List’’ below are open to students. We will update the list once we receive new recruitment announcement from partner universities. The information is subject to updates, so please see the websites for the latest information.
[Program Period] Mostly May - September, 2023 for 2 - 6 weeks (depending on programs/courses)
[Host] Please see “Program/course list” below.
[Expenses・Application deadline to host institution] Please make sure to check each program/course website as they vary depending on the programs/courses.
[Scholarships] Applicants who meet the designated eligibility and criteria and wish to receive scholarships will receive non-refundable scholarships (JPY60,000 - JPY100,000/month, depending on the country/region of the participating program/course). Please read the "Attachment" below carefully and follow the instructions when applying through UTAS.
[Eligibility Criteria and Requirements]
-Applicants must be students who are enrolled as full-time undergraduate students or graduate students at the University during the period of application and the program. (Those who are on temporary leave from the University or those who will lose their student status due to graduation, etc. during the time of the program/course are not eligible to apply.)
-Please only apply after consulting with the relevant section of the College, Faculty, or Graduate School with which you will be affiliated during the program term in order to receive explanations on the points to be noted concerning the program. Make sure to write down the affiliation, department, the name of the person from whom you received the explanation, and the date you received the explanation in the designated section on UTAS application form, and fully understand the points before submitting their application. Applications without the confirmation here will not be accepted. Follow the instructions from the relevant section of the College, Faculty, or Graduate School that you are scheduled to belong to at the time of the program/course and receive the explanation well in advance of the deadline since requests in a short notice may not be addressed for good reasons such as other duties. Also, please note that there could be specific regulations regarding the program.
-【Insurance/Overseas Student Safety Management Assistance】After passing the internal selection process and being accepted into the study abroad program, students are required to take out the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services’ (JEES) “Futai Kaigaku” and the “OSSMA” (Overseas Student Safety Management Assistance) provided by Emergency Assistance Japan Co., Ltd. as a means of safety management during the program at their own expense (this will not be paid for by the University). Taking out this insurance and OSSMA will be one of the requirements for applying to a study abroad program through this application. Details of the insurance and OSSMA will be sent to students who are accepted into the programs at a later date.
-Students must follow all instructions or warnings given by UTokyo and the host institution.
Please make sure to check the program/course websites for program periods, costs, application deadlines, etc.
Courses at Yale | Yale Summer Session
Yale University
(The partner university fee waiver PIN, which is required at the time of direct application, is provided on the UTAS application form “8. Program of Choice”.)
Berkeley Summer Sessions | Berkeley Summer Sessions
University of California, Berkeley
UCL Summer School | UCL Summer School - UCL – University College London
The Summer English Course for International University Students
University College London
Seoul National University - International Summer Program (SNU ISP, 서울대학교 국제하계강좌)
Seoul National University
Office of International Affairs - International Summer Campus (
Korea University
Spanish in Chile Summer/Winter
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Yonsei International Summer School
Yonsei University
IARU Courses 2023
IARU (International Alliance of Research Universities) Member universities
*You can only apply for programs with deadlines after May 1.
The University of Hong Kong Summer Institute
The University of Hong Kong
*You can only apply for programs with deadlines after May 1.
(Students from HKU exchange partner institutions are eligible for a 10% Partnership Discount. Register with the correct name of the institution (The University of Tokyo) and special discounts will apply automatically during the payment.)
Learn German in Munich
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU)
*The University of Tokyo's Center for German and European Studies plans to begin accepting applications in April 2023 for various grants for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs, including participation in the summer school to be held in Germany in 2023. Prospective participants of this program who wish to apply for the grants should check the website of the Center for German and European Studies after April and make inquiries as necessary.
Attachment "Guidelines on the Eligibility, Requirements and Awarding of Scholarships"
-Please download the Written Oath from here.
-Confirmation of Intention to Receive Scholarship(Applicable to those who meet the designated criteria and wish to receive scholarships.)
-Documents to certify English language proficiency (Applicable to those who have scores.)
-Academic transcripts from institutions other than UTokyo (English) (Applicable to those who have obtained degrees from institution of higher education other than UTokyo.)
12:00 (noon) of Friday, 14 April, 2023(Application through UTAS/International Education Promotion Group of UTokyo Administration Bureau)
(Please check the application deadlines of each host institution and complete the application by the deadline.)
Apply from the “Overseas Study” tab on the Academic Affairs System website (UTAS, ITC-LMS). Please follow the application procedures below. Also, please refer to “Applying for Study Abroad Programs via UTAS”
(1)Make sure to complete the online application via UTAS before the deadline. The electronic application system will be closed after the application deadline.
(2)Please check and follow the instruction indicated on UTAS application form.
(3)Please upload completed "Written Oath", documents to certify English language proficiency (applicable to those who have scores), academic transcripts from institutions other than UTokyo (in English/applicable to those who have obtained degrees from institution of higher education other than UTokyo) and “Confirmation of intention to receive scholarship” (applicable to those who wish to receive the scholarships) on "Attachment” of UTAS when applying.
1.Internal Selection Process
(1)UTokyo will review the application documents and select students for scholarship (and nomination, if necessary).
(2)Notification of the selection results will be made via e-mail to you and the relevant office of your College, Faculty, or Graduate School.
Before applying, please read this page carefully for further notes and details.
Reports of past participants are available in the past students' reports page.
International Education Promotion Group of UTokyo Administration Bureau studyabroadfair.adm[at]