Manipulate Photons and Electrons in Nanospaces, Manipulate Nanomaterials with Photons and Electrons

  • 2.1 Quantum bits, memories, devices(Superconducting circuits, Ion trapping, Trapped cold atoms, Photons, Quantum dots, etc.)
  • 2.3 Quantum materials(Topological materials/Thermoelectric devices/Functional materials)
  • 2.4 Quantum optics/Quantum teleportation(Quantum optical network/Quantum repeaters)
  • 2.5 Quantum wiring/Quantum electronics/Electronics for Quantum Information
Tsutomu Shimura
Institute of Industrial Science
Nanoscience Center for Photonics, Electronics, and Materials Engineering  Professor
Technologies for fabricating, observing, and measuring nanoscale systems have been making a rapid progress in recent years.
Understanding of material properties from their nanoscale physics/chemistry is essential for future scientific and technological breakthroughs.
In nanoscale regions, physics, chemistry, materials science, and electronics are no longer independent disciplines; instead, interaction of these fields is becoming indispensable for creating new research directions.

The objective of this project is to pursue such interdisciplinary research through collaboration of the member research groups and create a new paradigm in science and engineering.
Plasmon-induced charge separation for photocatalysis and fabrication of chiral nanostructures
Tatsuma Lab, Institute of Industrial Science
Ultrasmall single molecule transistor using electrodes with an atomic-scale gap
Hirakawa Lab, Institute of Industrial Science

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Related publications

  • K. Saito and T. Tatsuma, Nano Letters 18, 3209-3212 (2018)
  • S.Q. Du, K. Yoshida, Y. Zhang, I. Hamada, and K. Hirakawa, Nature Photonics 12, 608-612 (2018)


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