Realization of Smart Production Technology Using a Laser

Junji Yumoto
Research Institute for Photon Science and Laser Technology
Since the Industrial Revolution, economic activity has developed through a cycle of mass production and mass consumption. Although this has enriched our lives quantity-wise, the uniformity of products characterized by mass production tends to create homogeneity in individual lives. In addition, mass consumption is causing social problems such as pollution and depleting resources. Under these circumstances, in recent years, along with the diversification of the market and customer needs, individual production - a system that can supply necessary items in an appropriate amount when needed -- is attracting attention as an approach to create a richer and more sustainable society. Furthermore, it makes it possible to connect information networks and production systems, with a future expansion of the highly-mixed individual production.
Examples of individual production technology are three-dimensional cutting/bonding (laser processing) and three-dimensional molding technology (3D printing). By connecting these technologies with the network, it is possible to quickly manufacture a large variety of materials. In this project, by focusing on both technological developments, we aim to develop a wide range of individual production technologies that involve machine learning techniques to generate optimum parameters. To achieve this, we will attempt to elucidate the interaction between the substance for processing and the laser light, and this knowledge will need to be translated into industrial technology. For this reason, we plan to strengthen collaboration with industry, both within and outside the university, and will also enhance human resources development.
Examples of individual production technology are three-dimensional cutting/bonding (laser processing) and three-dimensional molding technology (3D printing). By connecting these technologies with the network, it is possible to quickly manufacture a large variety of materials. In this project, by focusing on both technological developments, we aim to develop a wide range of individual production technologies that involve machine learning techniques to generate optimum parameters. To achieve this, we will attempt to elucidate the interaction between the substance for processing and the laser light, and this knowledge will need to be translated into industrial technology. For this reason, we plan to strengthen collaboration with industry, both within and outside the university, and will also enhance human resources development.
Related links
- In preparation
Research collaborators
- All faculty members of UTokyo Research Institute for Photon Science and Laser Technology
Related patents
- 2 patents in applications
- Junji Yumoto
- Tel: +81-3-5841-4082
- Email: yumoto[at]