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Message from President Fujii to International Students Waiting to Enter Japan Regarding the Temporary Suspension of Entry

January 6, 2025

Dear International Students Waiting to Enter Japan,

On November 29, the government of Japan announced a new border enforcement measure for preventing the spread of COVID-19. As a result, new entry of foreign nationals to Japan has been suspended. International students outside Japan will therefore have to wait longer before they are able to enter the country.

This measure by the government is said to be temporary until sufficient information about the Omicron variant becomes available. You will be contacted by the staff in charge of international students at your school, faculty, or college if there are any changes in the entry procedures set by the government.

Unfortunately, it will take more time before we can see you on our campuses. But as we have stated before, you are an integral part of our university community. We will continue to make preparations so that, once the temporary measures are lifted, you can come to Japan as soon as possible and lead a good student life. In the meantime, we ask you to continue with your studies online confident that we look forward to welcoming you.

We hope to see you in person before too long.


December 1, 2021
Teruo Fujii, President
Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President (Diversity and Global Affairs)
The University of Tokyo

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