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Autumn Semester Matriculation Ceremony

June 26, 2024 We have released an outline of the 2024 Autumn Semester Matriculation Ceremony.

2024 Autumn Semester Matriculation Ceremony



A link button to the livestream will be posted on this page by the day of the ceremony.
(Anyone can watch the livestream without pre-registration.)



1. Date

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. (Entrance time: 9:20 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.)

2. Venue

Yasuda Auditorium, Hongo Campus

3. Eligibility

Students newly enrolled between April 2nd and October 1st, 2024

4. Program

  (Music by the University Orchestra)
  President's Address
  Dean's Address
  Pledge by Representative of New Students
  The University of Tokyo Song
  • The ceremony will be held in English.
  • Family members can also enter the venue (Yasuda Auditorium) for the ceremony (No registration required).
  • As for family members, please come in small groups to prevent congestion inside and outside the venue.
  • We will provide a livestream of the ceremony via the Internet.
  • Please refrain from recording or taking photos during the ceremony, as it may hinder the progress of the ceremony.
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