Giving to UTokyo
UTokyo Athletic Foundation Holds Field Day for New Students
May 14, 2014
IARU Campus Sustainability Officers’ Meeting 2014
UTokyo Faculty Members Receive AY 2014 MEXT Commendations for Science and Technology (Young Scientists’ Prizes)
May 9, 2014
Associate Professor Sayaka Uchida Awarded 2nd Annual AY 2013 CSJ Award for Women Chemists
The University of Tokyo’s Official Promotional Video is Now Out!
April 28, 2014
UTokyo’s Division of Health Sciences and Nursing Holds Signing Ceremony for International Exchange Agreement with Taipei Medical University
April 25, 2014
AY 2013 Presentation Ceremony for the University of Tokyo President’s Awards to Distinguished Students Held
Biotechnology Student Organization of the University of Tampere, Finland visits Yayoi campus
April 24, 2014
Joint Symposium in Celebration of the Opening of the “Seoul National University UTokyo Office ” &“ The University of Tokyo SNU Office”
April 21, 2014
UTokyo Signs Collaboration Agreement with Rice University (USA)
April 18, 2014
Signing Ceremony with Masdar Institute of Science and Technology(Masdar Institute)
January 23, 2014
Visit of Mr.Luvsannyam Gantumur, Minister for Education and Science of Mongolia
November 26, 2013
UTokyo Forum 2013 has successfully concluded
November 22, 2013
Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy Yamamoto visits Kavli IPMU View Edit Translate Access control Node export Convert
Visit of Prof. Ignacio S?nchez D.,President of Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile
November 20, 2013
Visit by President Yeon-Cheon Oh of the Seoul National University
November 13, 2013
Visit by President Eisgruber of the Princeton University
November 7, 2013
Visit of Prof. Dr. Horst Hippler, President of German Rectors’s Confernce(HRK)
November 5, 2013
MOOC - Professor Kiichi Fujiwara “Conditions of War and Peace”
October 15, 2013
Shokumon Award 2013 was awarded to two laureates
October 9, 2013
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus
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