東京大学での無線LAN利用 / Wireless LAN Service at the University of Tokyo
This page describes the wireless LAN services available to visitors to the University of Tokyo. For members of the University, please refer to the page "Wireless LAN Services for Members of the University of Tokyo" on the utelecon portal site.
The University of Tokyo has a university-wide wireless LAN environment, and the following three services are available for external visitors. Each service is available to a different scope of users, so please refer to the description of each and use the appropriate service.
If you belong to a university or research institute that participates in eduroam, you can use eduroam on the University of Tokyo campus. Please obtain an account at your institution and use it.
Please note that security measures (e.g., blocking communications that are considered problematic) equivalent to those of the university network are taken. In addition, databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. for the university members are not available.
If you have a short-term guest Wi-Fi account issued by a faculty or staff member of the University of Tokyo, you can connect to the network whose SSID is
Please note that security measures (e.g., blocking communications that are considered problematic) equivalent to those of the university network are taken. In addition, databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. for the university members are not available.
※ゲストアカウントを発行したい教職員は、UTokyo Portalの「ゲスト用Wi-Fiアカウントの発行」のページ(教職員限定)を参照してください。
* For faculty and staff members who wish to issue a guest account, please refer to the "Wi-Fi accounts for guests" page on the UTokyo Portal (in Japanese; for faculty and staff members only).
Wireless LAN with SSID
Please note that databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. for the university members are not available.
This page describes the wireless LAN services available to visitors to the University of Tokyo. For members of the University, please refer to the page "Wireless LAN Services for Members of the University of Tokyo" on the utelecon portal site.
The University of Tokyo has a university-wide wireless LAN environment, and the following three services are available for external visitors. Each service is available to a different scope of users, so please refer to the description of each and use the appropriate service.
eduroamに参加している大学・研究機関等に所属している方は、東京大学のキャンパス内でeduroamを利用できます。所属機関でアカウントを取得して利用してください。If you belong to a university or research institute that participates in eduroam, you can use eduroam on the University of Tokyo campus. Please obtain an account at your institution and use it.
Please note that security measures (e.g., blocking communications that are considered problematic) equivalent to those of the university network are taken. In addition, databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. for the university members are not available.
ゲスト用Wi-Fiアカウント / Wi-Fi accounts for guests
のネットワークに接続して利用することができます。アカウント提供者の指示に従って適切に利用してください。If you have a short-term guest Wi-Fi account issued by a faculty or staff member of the University of Tokyo, you can connect to the network whose SSID is
and use it. Please follow the instructions of the account provider and use the account appropriately.なお、東京大学のネットワークと同等のセキュリティ対策(問題があると考えられる通信のブロックなど)が行われています。また、東京大学が契約している構成員向けのデータベース・電子ジャーナル・電子ブック等の利用はできません。
Please note that security measures (e.g., blocking communications that are considered problematic) equivalent to those of the university network are taken. In addition, databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. for the university members are not available.
※ゲストアカウントを発行したい教職員は、UTokyo Portalの「ゲスト用Wi-Fiアカウントの発行」のページ(教職員限定)を参照してください。
* For faculty and staff members who wish to issue a guest account, please refer to the "Wi-Fi accounts for guests" page on the UTokyo Portal (in Japanese; for faculty and staff members only).
というSSIDで、ソフトバンク社のサービスを用いた無線LANを一般の来訪者の方向けに提供しています。携帯電話による利用登録が必要です。詳細な接続方法などはソフトバンク社の「FREE Wi-Fi PASSPORT」のページを参照してください(大学として利用方法のサポートはしていません)。Wireless LAN with SSID
is available for general visitors. This service is provided by SoftBank and requires registration using a mobile phone. Please refer to this leaflet for details on how to connect.なお、東京大学が契約している構成員向けのデータベース・電子ジャーナル・電子ブック等の利用はできません。
Please note that databases, e-journals, e-books, etc. for the university members are not available.