To faculty and staff members of the University of Tokyo:
The government lifted the quasi-state of emergency for all prefectures, including Tokyo, on Monday, March 21. In response to this measure, we have decided to relax the activity restriction level of our university from the current Level B to Level A from Monday, March 28, taking into consideration the infection situation inside and outside the university comprehensively.
In April, we will be welcoming a large number of new students and new employees and start the activities for the new year. This is a very important time for the start of educational and research activities necessary as a university for all students and faculty members. Taking the importance of this period, we would like to expand the university’s activities without spreading the infection.
The number of newly infected people continues to decline, but it is possible that the number will increase again without it decreasing sufficiently. In particular, please continue to pay the utmost attention when going out to dinners as well as welcoming and farewell parties in large groups. The reason for this is because experience has shown that the risk of infection is high. In addition, we started the additional (third) inoculation of the coronavirus vaccine at the university from March 1st. It has been shown that the severity of onset and hospitalization is reduced compared to those who have not been vaccinated or those who have only been vaccinated twice. If it has been more than 6 months since the completion of your second vaccination, you will be able to receive the third vaccination. Please consider early inoculation as a measure against the coronavirus infection.
Please remind yourself that it is important for each faculty member to take thorough infection control measures.
March 28, 2022
OKUBO Tatsuya
Executive Vice President
Head, UTokyo Coronavirus Task Force
- The "Activity Restrictions Index for Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" will be revised to the 2022 edition on April 1.
The University of Tokyo Activity Restrictions Index for Preventing the Spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) 2022 (PDF)