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The Policy of the University of Tokyo on Research Data Management and Utilization

This document is a translation of the Japanese version. In the event that any question should arise about this version, the Japanese version is the authoritative version.

February 22, 2023
Resolution of the Board Members Council
     The University of Tokyo (hereinafter referred to as "UTokyo"), as stipulated in the Charter, seeks truth and the creation of knowledge, and aims to develop our world-class research and to contribute to human development by ensuring collaboration with society. The accumulation of knowledge through the appropriate management and storage of research data is the foundation for the truth and the creation of knowledge, and the utilization of research data leads to the development of our world-class research. 
     Therefore, for the purpose of promoting the appropriate management, storage, and utilization of research data, UTokyo has established the Research Data Management and Utilization Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") as follows.

1. Research data as used in this Policy refers to data collected or generated in research activities by researchers at UTokyo (hereinafter referred to as the “Researchers”).

2. Researchers who collect or generate research data have the right to manage, store, and access their research data.

(Management and Storage)
3. In order to maintain the value of the research data, researchers shall appropriately manage and store them in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, rules, and contracts, etc. taking into consideration the characteristics of the research field.

4. In order to enhance the value of the research data, researchers shall promote the utilization of research data in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, rules, and contracts, etc. taking into consideration the characteristics of the research field. Then, when possible, disclose the research data.

(Support for Management, Storage and Utilization)
5. UTokyo shall provide an environment and support for the management, storage, and utilization of research data to researchers.

6. More details, for instance the procedures and rules for promoting the management, storage, and utilization of research data in this policy, will be determined by each of the  faculties/graduate schools/research institutes of UTokyo as necessary.

Supplementary Information

     In the “Basic Concept on Management and Utilization of Research Data with Public Funds” issued on 27 April 2021 by the Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council of the Cabinet, it was stated that “With the advancement of digital transformation (DX), the transformation of research and development activities, including the use of large amounts of data, advanced computing resources, and large-scale networks, is becoming increasingly important. In addition, the diversification of ways of publishing research results has led to an increase in the disclosure of research results for the purpose of global knowledge sharing, such as Open Science. At the same time, there is a movement toward making research results and data obtained the subject of business, such as the development of an oligopoly in the publication of papers by global publishing houses. Research data is an important intellectual asset not only for Japan but also for the world. In light of this situation, in order to promote the integration and development of knowledge and to create excellent research results and innovation, it is expected of the Japanese Government to implement the management and utilization of research data based on the open and closed strategy that takes into account both international contributions and national interests, while respecting freedom and diversity in research activities.”
     With this context in mind, UTokyo has decided to make a Research Data Policy regarding the management, storage, and utilization of research data collected or generated in research activities by researchers at UTokyo.

"Research data" is defined as information collected or generated by researchers in the course of their research activities and does not include information collected by UTokyo for organizational management purposes. However, research data generated by researchers using such information in their research activities shall be considered as "research data".

UTokyo acknowledges that researchers have the right, in principle, to manage, store, and access research data collected or generated by themselves. However, they need to be conscientious in cases where relevant laws, guidelines, regulations, or contracts, etc. impose some restrictions on the ownership of collected or generated data, or on the collection or generation of research data.

(Management and storage)
Since the handling of research data differs depending on the research field, researchers must comply with relevant laws, guidelines, regulations established by UTokyo, contracts with funding agencies and collaborating institutions, and ethical requirements in each research field, based on the characteristics of such research field. Furthermore, it is necessary to promote the management and preservation of research data by establishing and implementing appropriate procedures based on an understanding of what kind of management and storage is required for research data.

     The decision on what kind of research data to accumulate for utilization should be made in consideration of the characteristics of the research field, relevant laws, guidelines, regulations established by UTokyo, contracts with funding agencies and collaborating organizations, and ethical requirements in each research field. The categories of utilization of research data include data for personal use, data for sharing with limited parties, and data for the public. Researchers should classify whether data should be subject to management, and in what category the management, storage, and utilization should be promoted, based on the open and closed strategy.

(Support for management, storage, and utilization)
In order for researchers to promote the management, storage, and utilization of research data, UTokyo and faculties/graduate schools/research institutes of UTokyo shall provide the following support, for example.
  • Institutional repositories and institutional data storage for accumulating, managing, storing, and releasing research data.
  • A research data management infrastructure system for managing and storing research data.
  • Support and consulting services for the overall management and storage of research data conducted by researchers.
  • Human resource development and educational programs for researchers to acquire the skills necessary for research data management.
  • Develop systems and procedures to ensure and maintain the reliability of research data opened to the public.
  • Establishment of rules for joint use and provision of research data to third parties.

Detailed policies, procedures, and rules for management, storage, and utilization of research data shall be established as necessary in accordance with the characteristics of the field and the research data. In addition, since the management and utilization of research data are greatly affected by changes in social conditions, social and economic systems, and academic progress, as well as by revisions to related laws and regulations, it is necessary to review the policies and regulations established by faculties/graduate schools/research institutes of UTokyo as appropriate. UTokyo will support the establishment of detailed policies and procedures and regulations, as well as the reviews by faculties/graduate schools/research institutes of UTokyo.

     The purpose of this policy is to ensure the appropriate management, storage, and utilization of research data. In addition, it is necessary to comply with the rules and regulations already established by UTokyo, such as those listed below.


[Research data] 
  • Research data includes all forms of data, whether digital or non-digital, including numerical data, images, text, and tangible objects.
  • Research data also includes documents that explain the research data, metadata, and the conditions under which the research data was collected.
  • If the research result is a tangible object, the metadata that explains it is subject to management as research data with tangible objects.
  • Secondary data, which is processed and interpreted from primary research data, results of statistical analysis, and related mathematical models are also treated as research data. In such cases, metadata to ensure the reliability of the primary research data is also required.
  • Research data in the policy does not include research publications, for example articles and proceedings.

  • "Researcher" means an executive, faculty, or staff who is employed by UTokyo and engaged in research.
  • Students and researchers, including postdoctoral fellows, who are conducting research activities under the guidance of UTokyo researchers.
  • Those who belong to other universities, private companies, or institutions and conduct research activities at UTokyo through joint research, etc., will be considered as a “researcher” under this policy through consultation with the affiliated organizations.
  • Other persons who are deemed by UTokyo to be conducting research activities at UTokyo.

[Management and Storage of Research Data]
The following are examples of the management and storage of research data conducted by researchers in phases of research.
  • Pre-research: planning of research data management plan, maintenance of metadata
  • During research: Accumulation, management, and sharing of research data in the research data management infrastructure
  • Post-research: curation of research data for publication, data storage and transfer
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