Who Can Use the Compliance Hotline?
(2) Those who were academic and administrative staff within one year prior to the date of reporting
(Article 12 of the Basic Rules)
Reporter Protection
The University of Tokyo protects reporters from retaliation as a result of reporting compliance irregularities.
(Article 19 of the Basic Rules)
Please note that reporters are required to report in good faith and not for slander or any other inappropriate purposes.
(Article 16 of the Basic Rules)
Relevant Rules
The University of Tokyo Detailed Rules on the Operation of the Compliance Hotline and Investigation of Compliance Irregularities etc.
How Can I Report?
0120-020-570 (Only available in Japanese)
Hours: Mon-Fri, 12:00-21:00
Sat, Sun, and holidays, 9:00-17:00
* Except for New Year's holiday (12/29-1/4)
You can talk about the irregularity to a counselor from Dial Service.
Please describe the irregularity on a mail-in compliance reporting form and send it to either of the addresses below.
(University of Tokyo)
The University of Tokyo Compliance Hotline
The University of Tokyo Legal Affairs Group
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654
(Dial Service)
The University of Tokyo Compliance Hotline
Dial Service Co. Ltd.
Kudan-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074