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GUC24S211C | Group Theory and Its Applications

About the lecturer

After PhD from the University of Tokyo, I worked as an assistant at Tokyo Metropolitan University and an associate professor at Nagoya University. Since 2017, I have been a professor at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of Tokyo. During this period, I also stayed at institutions such as the University of Mannheim, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and the Newton Institute, actively engaging in education and research. In 2001, I received the Special Prize of Takabe Award from the Mathematical Society of Japan.
Prof. Yukari ITO

Introduction video

Group Theory and Its Applications


1 Subject Group Theory and Its Applications
2 Field Mathematics, Art
3 Key words Group; Symmetry; Art
4 Global Unit 1
5 Lecturer Yukari ITO
6 Period July 1 - 5, 2024
7 Time 08:30-10:00, 10:30-12:00 (Japan Standard Time)
8 Lecture style In-person (on Hongo Campus)
9 Evaluation Criteria Excellent (S) 90–100%; Very good (A) 80–89%; Good (B) 70–79%; Pass (C) 60–69%; Fail (D) 0–59%
10 Evaluation methods Attendance/Participation 30%, Presentation 30%, Final Report 40%
11 Prerequisites While this is a foundational mathematics course, a basic understanding of linear algebra is recommended.
12 Contents Purpose
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to understand the definition of a group and its easy properties with some examples. Moreover, they will make their own artwork or application in the class.

Main part of this course is a lecture and exercise in person. I hope we can do discussion, group activities and presentation.

1-2 Definition of a group and some examples.
3-4 Basic properties of groups.
5-6 Find symmetry with group theory!
7-8 Group representations
9-10 Make your own group!

90-minutes lecture and 90-minutes activities for 5 days.
The activities contain mathematical exercise, presentation and artwork.
13 Required readings -
14 Reference readings You can find the mathematical knowledge in any text book on group theory.
15 Notes on Taking the Course -
UTokyo Global Unit Courses (GUC)
International Education Promotion Group, Education and Student Support Department
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8652 JAPAN

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utokyo-guc.adm(at) *Please change (at) to @
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