About the lecturer
Miles Pennington is professor of Design Led Innovation and helps direct a unique international innovation lab at The University of Tokyo – the DLX Design Lab (www.designlab.ac). Previously he was at the Royal College of Art in London and was Head of Programme of the Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) joint Masters programme with Imperial College. |
Professor Yukiko Matsunaga is a biomedical engineering scientist. Her research focuses on vascular tissue engineering to understand healthy and abnormal blood vessels aiming for regenerative medicine and drug discovery. She is also interested in the impact of incorporating art and design into scientific research in the field of life sciences and healthcare. |
Prof. Yukiko MATSUNAGA
Professor Yasuaki Kakehi is a media artist, human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher, and professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. He specializes in integrating digital technology with physical materials to create innovative physical interfaces that manipulate material properties. His work has been shown at multiple international conferences. |
Prof. Yasuaki KAKEHI
1 | Subject | Design x Health: Creating Ideas for New Futures of Wellbeing |
2 | Field | Design, Innovation and Health Science |
3 | Key words | design, innovation, health science, healthcare, biomedical, technology, user-centered design, product design, creativity, medical device design, entrepreneurship, well-being, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, service design |
4 | Global Unit | 1 |
5 | Lecturer | Miles PENNINGTON Yukiko MATSUNAGA Yasuaki KAKEHI |
6 | Period | July 8 - 12, 2024 |
7 | Time | 13:00-14:30, 15:00-16:30 [July 8-10] 13:00-14:30, 15:00-16:30, 17:00-18:30 [July 11] 13:00-14:30 [July 12] (Japan Standard Time) |
8 | Lecture style | In-person (on Komaba Campus) - Classes take place in the S-Gallery, S-Building, Komaba II Research Campus. - It takes 50-60mins to travel from Hongo Campus to Komaba II campus. |
9 | Evaluation Criteria | Excellent (S) 90–100%; Very good (A) 80–89%; Good (B) 70–79%; Pass (C) 60–69%; Fail (D) 0–59% |
10 | Evaluation methods | Participants will be evaluated as follows: 1. Engagement - Participation and involvement with the class work. 2. Creative Output - Design ultimately is looking for good ideas developed well, so even in this short class the outputs you create through the class and at the end are important. Note: as part of the evaluation process a peer review will be carried out where each team member will be asked to review the input from the other members of their team. |
11 | Prerequisites | What do you need to join? - An enthusiasm to learn (this class is open to all, you don’t have to be from a design background or know anything at all about design) - A collaborative attitude, the class will be carried out in teams. |
12 | Contents | Purpose Do you ever look at the world and wonder why things aren’t better? Do you ever catch yourself dreaming of a different world and trying to imagine how it could be real? Are you relentlessly curious; do you crave for change and are not satisfied with ‘good enough’; are you never put off by failure and unstoppable in the pursuit of perfection? You should be, and you can be. Design is a force for change and you could be the change maker – in this class you can learn the basics of the design process and the theme will be new futures of wellbeing. Description “There exists a designerly way of thinking and communicating that is both different from scientific and scholarly ways of thinking and communicating, and as powerful as scientific and scholarly methods of enquiry when applied to its own kinds of problems” Professor Bruce Archer This is a class that introduces people to the practical process of design - you will learn the basic methods that designers go through in creating ideas and developing products or services. This class is for those people interested in: - Creative idea generation techniques for design - Design innovation to create future concepts - Material exploration and conceptual thinking - Healthcare and wellbeing Schedule Session 1 - Introduction and theme briefing Session 2 - Opportunity Finding & Design Research Session 3 - Creative Idea Generation Session 4 (extended) - Material Exploration, Prototyping and presentation preparation Session 5 - Presentations Assignments |
13 | Required readings | Please review the facilitators websites: www.designlab.ac www.matlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp xlab.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
14 | Reference readings | - |
15 | Notes on Taking the Course | This is a project based learning experience, you will be working in teams to generate and develop ideas for new health futures. Everyone will need a laptop (but not for every lesson). |
UTokyo Global Unit Courses (GUC)
International Education Promotion Group, Education and Student Support Department
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8652 JAPAN
For inquiries regarding GUC, kindly direct them to the following email address:
utokyo-guc.adm(at)gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp *Please change (at) to @
International Education Promotion Group, Education and Student Support Department
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8652 JAPAN
For inquiries regarding GUC, kindly direct them to the following email address:
utokyo-guc.adm(at)gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp *Please change (at) to @