The TA (Teaching Assistant) system, intended for outstanding students of our university, aims to enhance university education by providing training opportunities for future leaders in education and research and implementing detailed teaching to undergraduate education, as well as to help improve the financial situation of students by paying them honorariums for educational assistant duties.
【関連規則 - Related rules-】
実施要領 / The University of Tokyo Guidelines for Teaching Assistants(PDF:360KB)
TAの委嘱 - Assigning TAs -
(1)TAに委嘱できる内容 - Duties that can be assigned to TAs -
Work that may be assigned to TAs are to support laboratory experiments and seminar courses etc. for undergraduate students and graduate school students in Master’s programs or Professional Degree Programs.
(2)TAを委嘱できる者 - Students eligible to be TAs-
Undergraduate students and graduate school students of UTokyo are eligible to be TAs.
(3)TAの委嘱期間・時間 - Appointment period and working hours of TAs -
The appointment period for a TA must not exceed from the fiscal year. In principle, the working hours for a TA are to be limited to 40 hours maximum per month. Note that the working hours must not exceed 20 hours per week.
(4)~TAの心得~ - Must-Do’s for TAs -
「東京大学ティーチング・アシスタント実施要領」では、ティーチング・アシスタント(TA)の趣旨として、「将来教育研究の指導者となるためのトレーニングの機会提供」、「大学教育の充実」を謳っています。「TA の心得」は、この実現に向けて、TA を担当する学生に知っておいてほしいこと、伝えておきたいことをまとめたものです。
The “Guidelines for Teaching Assistants at the University of Tokyo” state that the main purposes of the Teaching Assistant (TA) system are “providing training opportunities for future leaders in education and research” and “improving university education.” These “Must-Do’s for TAs” summarize what any TA to-be should know about or be informed of in order to achieve these purposes.
~TAの心得~ - Must-Do’s for TAs -(PDF:426KB)
If you wish to have students to assist your course as TAs, please contact the relevant sections in your own faculty/graduate school etc.