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シビ・ジョージ駐日インド共和国特命全権大使 対談イベント- India-Japan Partnership in the Indo Pacific and Beyond -


Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE #12 Guest Speaker: His Excellency Mr. Sibi George (Ambassador of India to Japan)
Dialogue with President Teruo Fujii and Executive Vice President Kaori Hayashi


(会場)東京大学本郷キャンパス グローバル教育センター(理学部1号館東棟1階)学生交流広場


東京大学は、グローバルな教育を重視し、学生の海外留学や国際的な活動への参加を推進しています。今回は、シビ・ジョージ駐日インド共和国特命全権大使と学生のみなさんとの交流イベントを企画します。 シビ・ジョージ駐日インド共和国特命全権大使には、「India-Japan Partnership in the Indo Pacific and Beyond」をテーマに講演をしていただきます。続いて、本学藤井輝夫総長、林香里理事・副学長と対話いただくとともに、学生の皆さんからの質問にも回答いただきます。モデレーターは矢口祐人副学長・グローバル教育センター長です。本学学生のみなさんにとって刺激的で意義あるイベントになると思いますので、奮ってご参加ください!

Ambassador Sibi George is Ambassador of India to Japan. Earlier he served as Ambassador to Switzerland, The Holy See and The Principality of Liechtenstein and Ambassador of India to Kuwait.
Ambassador George joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1993. He began his diplomatic career in Cairo where he served in the Mission as Political Officer. Subsequently he moved to Indian Embassy in Doha where he handled Consular, Community, Information and Media affairs as First Secretary. Later he served as Political Counsellor in Indian High Commission in Islamabad and as Political Counsellor and Commercial Counsellor at Indian Embassy in Washington DC. He also served as Deputy Chief of Mission in Indian Missions in Tehran and Riyadh.
At Headquarters of Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi, he served in East Asia Division and also as coordinator of India - Africa Forum Summit. He later headed Administration, Establishment and Welfare Divisions in the Ministry of External Affairs. In 2014, Ministry of External Affairs conferred on him S.K. Singh Award for Excellence in Indian Foreign Service.
Hailing from Kottayam District in the southern State of Kerala in India, he belongs to Podimattam family of Pala. A gold medallist both for his graduation and post-graduation, he also studied in American University in Cairo. He was also trained at Lal Bahadur Shashtri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie; Sushma Swaraj Institute of Foreign Service (SSIFS), New Delhi; Indian Institute of Management(IIM), Ahmedabad; Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru; Indian Institute of Foreign Trade(IIFT), New Delhi; and Indian School of Business(ISB), Hyderabad.
He is married to Joice John Pampoorethu, an artist by profession. They have two daughters ElhitaThampuran and Ayilya Thampuran and a son Jeff VakhanThampuran.

モデレーター:矢口祐人 副学長・グローバル教育センター長


(対象)本学学生・教職員 最大100名程度(応募多数の場合は先着順)



