English follows Japanese

全学交換留学説明会2021 イベントレポート



動画アーカイブ(Google Drive)
2021/9/29更新Q&A一覧 (説明会で取り上げられず、FAQページにも掲載していないもの)を掲載しました。

お問い合わせ先 東京大学本部国際交流課
E-mail: studyabroadfair.adm [at-mark] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp


USTEP Webinar 2021 Event Report

USTEP webinar was held on Friday, September, 10th on YouTube Live. Approximately 650 students registered and 240 - 310 students attended the live event.

Archived video & Power point slide

Archived video(Google Drive)
*Please log on to your ECCS account (........@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp) to watch the video.
*If you see an error message, please try again later as you have reached maximum allowed number of concurrent session.
Power point slide in English
*We tried to answer questions from students during the webinar, but we will follow up remained questions either on the FAQ page, individual email, or additional document on this page.
2021/9/29 Updated: Q&A list (This is the list of the questions and answers which were not picked up in the webinar or in the FAQ page.)

For more information:
International Exchange Group, UTokyo
E-mail: studyabroadfair.adm [at-mark] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp