For the international students with "Student" visa status, the period of stay will be individually designated by the Minister of Justice, not to exceed 4 years and 3 months. Those wishing to proceed to a higher level or continue studying in Japan must apply for an extension. Applications are accepted three months before the expiration of your period of your stay. Submit the necessary items listed below and complete the procedure by the day of the expiration as noted on your Residence Card.
[Items required for application (if status of residence is "student")]
[1] Application for Extension of Period of Stay (available at Immigration Services Bureaus, and downloadable from the Immigration Services Agency’s website link below). Forms "For organization part 1 and part 2" must be completed by your faculty / graduate school.
[2] ID photo (4cm x 3cm)
[3] Passport
[4] Residence Card
[5] List of submitting documents and Confirmation form (downloadable from the Immigration Services Agency’s website link below)
[6] If you are a Research student, you need to present a document explaining the research content
( research period, content of detail and the professor’s name and position written)
[7] Certificate of enrollment status( issued at Graduate school / Undergraduate)
[8] A transcript(issued at Graduate school / Undergraduate)
[9] If your academic record is not sufficient and/or if you repeat a year, you need to submit a letter of reason and a letter of recommendation from your supervisor.
※ If you take a leave of absence for a certain period of time, a letter of reason or a letter of leave of absence is necessary.
[10] Out of students who obtained the visa status renewed and have entered to our university from other universities, those who will be renewing the status of visa for the first time are needed to submit the Graduation certificate and the transcript from previous school.
[11] A document showing the economic ability to live in Japan (a certificate of scholarship, a copy of bankbook, a copy of part-time withholding slip and or a remittance certificate etc.)
[12] Fee
※There may be needed some other documents as the Immigration Services Bureau asks.
・ The maximum length a research student (undergraduate or graduate) can stay on a residence status of "Student" is two years including any period spent as an research student at any other universities. This does not apply in some exceptional circumstances.
・ You will be considered an illegal resident if you overstay your period of stay by even just one day, so be sure to apply for an extension as early as possible.
・ Immigration Services Bureau offices tend to be very crowded around the start of the academic year and long holidays, so it is advisable to apply early during these months.
→International Offices in Faculties and Graduate Schools