Things to Know Before You Start A Part-Time Job
Before deciding to work, please make sure that you are able to maintain your studies while taking on a part-time job. You should be sure to have a full understanding of the job you are undertaking in order to avoid troublesome situations or causing difficulties for your employer.
1) How to receive “Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted”
Under the “Student” status of residence you must have “Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted” in order to have a part-time job.
1. If granted permission, you can work up to 28 hours in one week. During periods such as summer vacation when there are no classes at the university, you can work within 8 hours per day. (There are restrictions on the type of job you can have. So, please confirm before taking a job.) For the academic calendar for your school/department, please contact your academic office.
Ref: University-wide standard academic calendar
2. In order to receive permission, you will need to bring your passport, application form, Resident Card to the Immigration Services Bureau. You can make your application at the same time as making changes to your period of stay. New residents who come to Japan as an international student (excluding MEXT scholarship students) can apply for permission at the same time their Resident Card is issued after landing in Japan.
*When applying for "extension of period of stay", you need to re-apply for the Permission.
*Part-time jobs for Spouses
Spouses of international students who have come to Japan must also receive “Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted” if they wish to have a part-time job. The amount of time allowed to work is the same as that for international students. The spouse must go in person to the Immigration Services Bureau to apply.
2)Scholarship Conditions
Some scholarships do not permit students to earn money by having a part-time job. Please confirm the conditions for receiving your scholarship ahead of time.
3) Work Conditions and Job Tasks
Do not start working unless you are fully aware of the conditions and functions of the work you will be expected to do. Please make sure to confirm all of this information when applying to your job or during your interview. It is a good idea to keep the job post or contract documentation on file. It is highly advisable to receive an explanation of your work conditions and job tasks in writing.
・Job tasks, location of work
・Payment: amount and method of calculation
*Minimum hourly wage (MHLW) (Japanese)
・Method of payment and date of payment
・Period of employment
・Working hours and break times
4) Be Aware of Workplace Rules
Please make sure you are aware of and follow any rules of your workplace. If you are planning to return home for an extended period or need to quit, please give notice in as far advance as possible. You must especially be careful if you are breaking a contract before it was scheduled to end.
5) Payment Dates and Returning to Your Home Country
Often you will not get paid for work at a part-time job on the day the work was completed. In most cases, payment will be received the next month (for example, payment for the last month of work is deposited into the employee’s bank account on a certain day the following month.) If you are planning to return home and the day of payment is after you leave, be aware that you may not be able to receive your salary. (Many companies will not send money to a foreign bank account!)
1)If Work Tasks/Work Conditions Differ From Those On the Job Post
Make sure you are not doing any work that you were not originally hired to do. Also, be sure to confirm that your work conditions are not different from those described in the job post.
2)If Payment Is Late
Make sure you are being paid on the scheduled date. If you do not receive your payment then, please speak with your employer.
3)If Payment Amount Is Different
Make sure to receive a detailed paystub. Record when and how long you worked. This will help in confirming if the amount you were paid is correct.
1) If You Cannot Receive Payment Since the Company Has Gone Bankrupt
You may be eligible for the “Replacement Payment of Unpaid Wages” from the Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety.
*You cannot be reimbursed for a total amount of under 20,000 yen.
-Tokyo Labor Bureau (Japanese)
-Japan Organization of Occupational Health and Safety
2)If You Were Injured At Work or On the Way to Work
Please speak with your employer if you are injured while working or while commuting to your job.
3)If You Were Suddenly Fired
An employer must have a “legitimate reason” for terminating an employee. They also must give a certain time of notice before they can do this. Please confirm with your employer the reason why you are being let go.
4)If You Are Unable to Quit Your Job
Make sure you are not doing any work that you were not originally hired to do. Also, be sure to confirm that your work conditions are not different from those described in the job post.
Quitting suddenly can cause difficulties for your employer and yourself. Please confirm when your last day of work will be with your employer ahead of time. If you are not being allowed to quit or find yourself in a troublesome situation when trying to leave your job, please reach out to others for assistance.
If you feel you have run into something you cannot understand or that you may be in trouble, please reach out to others around you for assistance with these issues and do not keep them all to yourself.
Reach out to a Japanese friend or seniors who you can trust, one of your professors, or the International Student Support Room.You can also seek assistance from the Labour Bureaus or the Labour Standards Inspection Office.
-List of consultation services (Japanese):
-Telephone Consultation Service in Foreign Languages:
Relevant Information
・Labor Standards Act: Laws that govern the rights of workers, including those who work part-time
・Prefectural Labor Bureaus/ Labor Standards Inspection Offices:Offices that monitor and provide guidance for companies to protect their workers from violation of labor laws.
・Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act: Provides compensation for injuries sustained on the job or commuting to the workplace(“Rou-Sai”)
*If your type of work is considered to be “out-sourced” you will not qualify for assistance from the above laws. Please confirm what type of work your part-time job is considered before you begin your employment.
Useful References
Other websites also have information on worker’s rights under the laws and labor rules of Japan. If you have concerns or problems, please feel free to refer to the information they provide.
「Handbook for Foreign Employees」(TOKYO METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs Employment Division)
Available in English, Chinese, and other foreign languages.
“Are Your Working Conditions Fair?” (Multi-lingual)
-“Confirm Your Labor Conditions” (Japanese)
-“Watch and Learn: Problems you can face from not knowing the Labour Law” (English)
1)Notifying your employer of your Individual Number (also known as My Number)
You need to notify your employer of your Individual Number (My number) to receive your pay. Please carefully keep your Individual Number Notice (letter) or Individual Number Card (plastic) with you.
What is "Individual Number" (My Number)?
For those residing in Japan under a mid-term or long-term visa, once you have registered your address at your local municipal office you will be issued with a social security and tax number, known as "My Number". A letter containing your "Individual Number Notice (個人番号通知書) will be sent to your address via registered mail. Please take great care not to lose it.
You will need to provide this number when applying for part-time jobs, and when changing your address (both when moving in and/or out). Your "My Number" is an important piece of personal information, and under no circumstances are you to supply it to anyone outside of an official context.
When you move, extend your visa, and/or change your visa status, you need to report the changes to your local municipality.
Your "My Number" remains valid even after leaving Japan, so please keep it safe in case you will reside in Japan as a mid-term/long-term residents in the future. Please complete the necessary procedure at the local municipality when leaving. For details, please see "Other things to do regarding your daily life > ■At the Ward/City Office"
For more information please see the following link:
2)Filling Tax Returns
There are times where those working a part-time job will receive a tax return from the tax office for taxes that were withheld from their income.
Date for Filing: Normally February 16 - March 15
Filing Location: Tax Office of the City or Ward where you live
Reference: National Tax Agency of Japan
*Some international student home countries have “Tax Treaties” with Japan. If your home country has a Tax Treaty with Japan, you may be available to have reduced or exempted taxes so please confirm your home countries situation.
Filing a claim for tax return from your income due to conditions set by a tax treaty. (Japanese)