日本語 English

Visa Information

・Visa & Resident Card
・Extension of Period of Stay
・Leaving Japan & Re-entry
・Part-time Jobs (Permission for Activities not Permitted by Status of Residence)
・Changing Your Status of Residence
・Inviting Family Members
・Visa Consulting Service
・Leave of Absence or Withdrawing from the University
・Immigration Services Agency

(2023/5/1 Updated) Regarding further border control measures
From April 29 (Sat.), 2024 onward, all new-/re-entrants are no longer required to submit either a vaccination certificate for the designated vaccines or a negative test certificate taken within 72 hours prior to departure. 

■Related information
Information related to COVID-19 (Ministry of Justice / Immigration Services Agency)
・University Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019

■Contact information regarding new entry and re-entry
[1]International Students: your affiliated faculty/graduate school
[2]International faculty/staff members (employed by UTokyo): 
Staff in charge from your accepting faculty/graduate school, institute, center, etc. If you are unsure who to check with, please find the contact at https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/general/contact_01.html
[3]Contact information for international researchers (JSPS scholars, etc.)
Staff in charge from your accepting faculty/graduate school, institute, center, etc. If you are unsure who to check with, please find the contact at https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/general/contact_01.html