(2023/5/1 Updated) Regarding further border control measures
From April 29 (Sat.), 2024 onward, all new-/re-entrants are no longer required to submit either a vaccination certificate for the designated vaccines or a negative test certificate taken within 72 hours prior to departure.
■Related information
・Information related to COVID-19 (Ministry of Justice / Immigration Services Agency)
・University Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019
■Contact information regarding new entry and re-entry
[1]International Students: your affiliated faculty/graduate school
[2]International faculty/staff members (employed by UTokyo):
Staff in charge from your accepting faculty/graduate school, institute, center, etc. If you are unsure who to check with, please find the contact at https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/general/contact_01.html
[3]Contact information for international researchers (JSPS scholars, etc.)
Staff in charge from your accepting faculty/graduate school, institute, center, etc. If you are unsure who to check with, please find the contact at https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/general/contact_01.html