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Other Accommodations

TIEC(Tokyo International Exchange Centre)

The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) uses TIEC as a base for international exchange, where they run a variety of international exchange programs, as well as operating accommodation for outstanding graduate students, researchers from home and abroad. Applications are accepted twice a month for the accommodations offered by TIEC, so please submit the applications to the relevant office in your faculty/graduate school.
Location:  Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo (Commuting time to each campus from the nearest train station)

Hongo Campus:    approx.  50 minutes
Komaba Campus:  approx. 40 minutes
Kashiwa Campus:  approx. 90 minutes

Rooms (standard type)

Residence Hall A (single):   approx. 20m       Single occupancy only.
Residence Hall B (single):   approx. 30m2        Single occupancy only.
Residence Hall C (couple):  approx. 80m       Applicant and spouse. (1 pre-school child permitted)
Residence Hall D (family unit): approx.100m2  Applicant, spouse and their children are allowed to stay in this unit.

 Eligibility and period of stay

International students: Students enrolled in a regular postgraduate course and have a status of  residence of “student” (includes international research students who have been accepted to regular postgraduate courses at the University of Tokyo).

Japanese students: Students enrolled in regular postgraduate courses and willing to act as resident assistants.

Researchers: Please refer to the TIEC website for information on the eligibility criteria for researchers.

The period of stay is limited to within the standard period of study for the status at the time of moving in and maximum for three years. (If advancing to a higher degree course, (e.g. Master’s to doctoral course) an extension can be applied for up to three years.)

The maximum period of tenancy granted upon application is one year, after which an extension of stay can be granted by applying for an extension.
For more information, please visit the TIEC website below.
The university will make a recommendation regarding your application and as you will be allocated one of a limited number of rooms, please consider commuting time and other conditions carefully when applying for a room.  Also, once your application has been approved, please do your best not to decline the offer.


Company Dormitories

Some companies in Japan own employee dormitories and, out of courtesy, rent some rooms to international students at affordable rates, under the same terms applied to employees. This service is mainly targeted at privately financed students. Applications are accepted several times a year. To apply, visit the administrative office of your faculty/graduate school.

【Calling for 2 male residents】 (updated 2024/07/22)
【For your reference】 留学生支援企業協力推進協会: (in Japanese only) 

Urban Renaissance (UR) Agency for Housing

The Urban Renaissance Agency( UR) operates various apartment buildings and takes housing applications from international students. (website available in Japanese only)


UR Shinjuku Service Center Tel: 03-3347-4330
UR Ikebukuro Service Center Tel: 03-3989-8171
UR Shibuya Service Center Tel: 03-3780-7811
UR Matsudo Service Center Tel: 047-367-5221

In addition to the above-mentioned residence, there are other institutions that offer residence for international students. As application schedule and method vary according to each institution, please check the information regularly at the administrative office of your faculty / graduate school.

Accommodation Leased by UTokyo (Exclusive for International Students/Researchers on Kashiwa Campus)

UTokyo arranges for some rooms at the Kashiwa-no-ha International Village (14 Fl. Mitsui Garden Hotel in front of Kashiwanoha-campus Station) for international students, and researchers of Kashiwa campus regardless of school or program affiliation.
Kashiwanoha International Village