
式辞・告辞集 平成29年度秋季入学式 総長式辞
Address by the President of the University of Tokyo
at the 2017 Autumn Matriculation Ceremony
Welcome to the University of Tokyo. On behalf of the University, I would like to extend our sincere congratulations to you. I would also like to congratulate your families, who have supported you through your studies, and are present here today to join in this celebration.
The total number of new students entering our Graduate Schools this autumn is 760. Of these, 432 are joining master’s programs, 278 are joining doctoral programs, and 50 are joining professional degree programs. At our Undergraduate Faculties, 23 students are enrolling in Programs in English at Komaba, or PEAK, an English-language degree program. Also, 5 students are entering the Global Science Course of the Faculty of Science, an English-language transfer program for those who started their study at foreign universities.
All of you must be eager to take on new challenges in research and study at the University of Tokyo. In terms of size, the range of academic disciplines, and the level of research activity, the University of Tokyo is one of the world’s leading universities. I would like you to make the best use of our outstanding academic environment to expand and realize your dreams. You will have full support from all our staff at the University.
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This April, the University of Tokyo celebrated its 140th anniversary. The University was established in 1877, created by merging Tokyo Kaisei School and Tokyo Medical School.
The first half of those 140 years coincided with the modernization of Japan, which began with the opening of the country to the world. During this period, the University of Tokyo cultivated a unique environment for incorporating both Eastern and Western scholarship, and contributed to Japanese society by producing future leaders.
The second 70 years started with the physical and social reconstruction of Japan after World War II. The University has confirmed its commitment to building a peaceful and democratic society. Our alumni are highly-educated professionals working in all areas of society.
The University has faced tough challenges on many occasions over the past 140 years. For instance, many of the University’s buildings were destroyed or burned down during the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake. The symbol of our scholarship, the old university library, was also destroyed. A donation from the Rockefeller Foundation helped to build the library that stands on this campus today. This Yasuda Auditorium was built in 1925, two years after the earthquake, thanks to a donation from the late Zenjiro Yasuda. The University of Tokyo has received much goodwill from many people both in Japan and abroad.
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The Great Kanto Earthquake destroyed over 370,000 buildings. More than 100,000 people lost their lives. Newspapers, which provided fact-based news to the public, were completely destroyed. In this vacuum, baseless rumors spread quickly from person to person, bringing chaos to the lives of many people. This history shows us that the “fake news” of lies and hate that we now often hear is not new. The University of Tokyo started an initiative for the academic study of newspapers in the late 1920s. This was partly because of the lessons learned in the aftermath of the earthquake.
But this initiative to create a new academic discipline did not start smoothly. Back then, newspapers were not seen as a suitable subject for academic research. Some people questioned whether it was appropriate to have such a research center at the University. Professor Hideo Ono, who had once worked as a newspaper reporter and was teaching in the Faculty of Letters, was very aware of the importance of studying newspapers. Professor Ono worked tirelessly with other like-minded people to gain the support of businesses and newspaper companies. Their efforts led to the creation of a Research Department for Journalism Studies in the Faculty of Letters in 1929.
The Meiji Newspaper and Periodical Archives (Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko) which was established in the Faculty of Law in 1927, was also important. This unique library was established by the Study Group on Meiji Culture (Meiji Bunka Kenkyukai). A diverse group of researchers created the society to carry out a comprehensive study of Meiji culture. Sakuzo Yoshino, a former professor of the Faculty of Law and a leading figure of Taisho Democracy, was a member. He and other experts worried about the loss of modern historical documents in the earthquake. With donations from the business community, they created the archives to preserve newspapers, magazines, and other fragile materials.
In 1949, four years after the end of World War II, University President Shigeru Nanbara launched the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies. As a political scientist, Professor Nanbara believed that the University should contribute to creating the theoretical framework for a new journalism suited to a democratic postwar Japan. The Institute served as a hub of communications studies covering newspapers and broadcasting, and nurtured many scholars in the field. Later, as the information revolution proceeded, it was reorganized as the Institute of Socio-information and Communication Studies, and finally integrated into the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies in 2004. This graduate school now studies the latest developments in social and information media. Today, some people say that we are living in a “post-truth” era. In times such as these, it is more important than ever to research how communications function in society.
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Advances in information and communications technologies are changing how university lectures are conducted. I’m sure you are familiar with MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses. MOOCs allow people worldwide to learn online wherever they are. The University of Tokyo also offers several lectures through MOOCs. Over 300,000 students from more than 180 countries have registered. Now anyone can easily access the knowledge of world-leading universities at their home.
The University of Tokyo offers 10 courses, including “From the Big Bang to Dark Energy” by Professor Hitoshi Murayama, Director of The Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. This course introduces research that explains the origin of everything in the universe through physics, astronomy and mathematics. Professor Murayama’s course has allowed over 100,000 students from all over the world to engage with the latest results in this field. Professor Kiichi Fujiwara of the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics introduced an interesting approach in his course “Conditions of War and Peace.” Students on the course from around the world, including countries that experienced conflicts, discussed ways to prevent war and maintain peace. Professor Michihiro Kandori of the Faculty of Economics gave a course called “Welcome to Game Theory.” Through his lectures, students worldwide participated in a Game Theory experiment and contributed to the development of Game Theory research. Historically, academic research has been conducted on paper through research papers and books. But new information and communications technologies are fundamentally changing the structure of scholarship.
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Today, you can accumulate a large amount of knowledge in cyber space and use it wherever you are. So, we ask ourselves, what is the significance of learning on the university campus?
The increase of digital content makes it easy for us to access a great amount of knowledge recorded in research papers and textbooks. However, creating new scholarship means adding new value to the knowledge accumulated throughout human history. This challenge is on a different level. Creating new scholarship is made possible when many people from diverse backgrounds share their knowledge and generate new ideas through vigorous debate.
The University is a space that guarantees you the maximum freedom and safety to engage in such academic activities. Our campuses offer you a number of opportunities to deepen your knowledge into wisdom through interaction with people from diverse backgrounds. You can talk personally with top researchers, discuss with other students in class or during tutorials, conduct experiments in a cutting-edge research environment, participate in fieldwork, spend time at libraries full of historical works. All these exciting learning experiences are waiting for you here at this University.
There are many students here who were educated overseas, following their dreams to the University of Tokyo. Studying at this University is an opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and pursue your own dreams. I encourage you to meet and share experiences and ideas with students and graduates regardless of nationality, gender, age, ability, or religion. This may be a chance for you to think more deeply about your own identity.
As university president, I will do my best to help you realize your dreams. Active interaction by a diversity of unique individuals will enrich the University. As the newest members of our community, I hope you will join us as we work to make the University of Tokyo an even better place.
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In June this year, the University of Tokyo was selected by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a “Designated National University Corporation.” This means that we now have greater autonomy, gaining more freedom to be creative. At the same time, we are expected to conduct world-leading research and education. Through these efforts, designated national universities are required to contribute further to humanity as a whole.
As a designated national university, we have defined our future vision as building “a society that progresses in harmony and is empowered by diversity.” We proposed an action plan to realize that vision.
Remarkable progress in information and communications technologies is greatly changing our daily lives. Not only people, but all kinds of physical things are now connected by the internet. As a result, the volume of information being shared is increasing exponentially. This data is being transmitted through cyber space that is deeply integrated with the physical world. We are now approaching a possible future where artificial intelligence can analyze this big data in real time. Today, such knowledge-intensive activities are becoming more and more important. They will create new value and bring about a paradigm shift in industrial and social systems.
I feel that this new technology to analyze and use big data has great potential to create a better society. It could help each individual to realize their full potential and wisdom. It could help overcome disparity while valuing people’s diversity. It could help create a sustainable and growing society.
But what is needed to achieve this vision? We still cannot see a clear path toward that goal.
I would like to ask you to keep learning and find a solution to this issue. I hope you work hard to become “knowledge professionals” who can create knowledge and use it to contribute to creating a better society for all. When you become a knowledge professional, you must be confident in your ability, fulfill your duties, recognize your responsibilities, and serve the public good. The drive to improve oneself is the power to change society for the better.
Starting from this 140th anniversary, the University of Tokyo will push forward during our third 70 years. You are the first group of new students in this era of “UTokyo 3.0.” Together as knowledge professionals, let us create new traditions here at the University of Tokyo.
I hope that you will make the most of your academic journey at the University of Tokyo.
Makoto Gonokami
The University of Tokyo
September 22, 2017
(和文)平成29年度秋季入学式 総長式辞
この秋、大学院へ入学したのは、修士課程が432名、博士課程が278名、専門職学位課程が50名、合計760名です。学部へは、初等中等教育を日本語以外で履修した学生を対象としたPEAK (Programs in English at Komaba)に23名が入学しました。また、グローバルサイエンスコース(GSC:海外大学の学部課程を2年以上修めた留学生を編入させ、講義を全て英語で行うプログラム)に5名が入学しました。
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さて、この関東大震災では、37万以上の家屋と10万人を超える人命が失われただけでなく、事実を広く伝え公共的なものにしてきたメディアとしての新聞が壊滅し、街では真偽のわからない情報が飛び交うことになります。そして人々の暮らしを混乱の渦に巻き込んで行きました。最近よく耳にする、嘘と中傷にまみれた“Fake News”の問題は、今に始まったものではないのです。新聞の学術的な研究に東京大学が取り組み始めるのは、1920年代の後半ですが、震災のこうした経験と無関係ではありません。
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東京大学総長 五神 真
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