東京大学緊急給付型奨学金/The UTokyo Emergency Assistance Grant

※募集を締め切りました/The application was closed
東京大学緊急給付型奨学金の募集/The UTokyo Emergency Assistance Grant
To assist the University of Tokyo students who have financially been affected by the social consequence of the spread of the novel coronavirus, the university is offering “The UTokyo Emergency Assistance Grant (hereafter ‘Grant’).” The university will support those students facing financial difficulties (hereafter ‘Students in Financial Need’) due to a significant loss of support from their families or other support providers and/or reduced income, so that they may continue with their study and research.
○募集要項/Application Guidelines
・東京大学緊急給付型奨学金 実施要項 [PDFファイル]
・東京大学緊急給付型奨学金 募集要項 [PDFファイル]
・The UTokyo Emergency Assistance Grant Application Guidelines [PDF]
○申請期間/Application deadline
Friday, May 29, 2020. 5pm (JST)
○申請方法/How to apply
To apply, send the application form available on your UTAS Bulletin Board. You must send required documents through the designated URL as well.
For details, please refer to the UTAS Bulletin Board.
E-mail:syougaku_pt.adm アットマーク gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Student Scholarships and Welfare Group, The University of Tokyo
E-mail: syougaku_pt.adm[at mark]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Type @ instead of [at mark]
* Inquiries will only be accepted by email only.
*The name of the title of the inquiry email should begin with “Emergency Grant”