Is it useful now, will it be useful someday, or is it something that’s not useful at all?

For better or for worse, all academic disciplines generally are classified into two broad categories: the humanities and the sciences. And between the two, the question “So what is your research good for, anyway?” has an undeniable tendency to be asked of those in the humanities more often than those in the sciences. This issue’s special feature gives readers just a small peek into the vast trove of humanities research cultivated by the University of Tokyo. Do the words on the following pages successfully spell out the value of this research in humanities, the academic realm of words? That is left for you, the readers, to decide.
Question: “Is your research useful?”
We have asked twelve professors who contributed articles to this issue to answer this question in 60 words or fewer. Their responses appear at the bottom of each article.
Question: “Is your research useful?”
We have asked twelve professors who contributed articles to this issue to answer this question in 60 words or fewer. Their responses appear at the bottom of each article.