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University Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Policies and Efforts

March 29, 2024

University Policies and Efforts

This page outlines the University of Tokyo’s policies and efforts regarding COVID-19. Use the banner above or the navigation menu below to access information.
For academic and administrative staff, further detailed information is posted to the UTokyo Portal site (UTokyo Account login required).

Messages from the President

Task Force Messages

Other Policies and Notices

[May 8, 2023]

Activity Restrictions Index by Level Activity Restrictions Index Chart

The 2022 University of Tokyo Activity Restrictions Index for Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Updated April 1, 2022)
Level Research Activities Classes (lectures, seminars, experiments, training) Extracurricular activities for students On-campus meetings Campus entry restrictions
A Research activities can be conducted on the condition that the utmost measures to prevent infection are exercised. In principle, classes will be conducted in person while exercising measures to prevent infection. However, when the educational benefit of online instruction is deemed higher for certain classes, they may be held online in such cases. Some extracurricular activities are allowed, with the utmost consideration taken to prevent the spread of infection. In-person meetings can take place with the utmost consideration taken to prevent the spread of infection. Online participation is encouraged. Entry through gates allowed
B Research activities can be continued; however, while taking the utmost consideration to prevent the spread of infection, students, researchers and research staff (laboratory staff) should stagger their work times, shorten the amount of time they stay on-site and, if possible, consider working from home in order to keep contact with others to a minimum. Classes will be conducted in person while exercising measures to prevent infection. Some extracurricular activities are allowed, with the provision that the utmost consideration is taken to prevent the spread of infection. Meetings should be held online when possible, and in-person meetings should be avoided unless necessary. Entry through gates allowed
C Research activities can be continued; however, while taking the utmost consideration to prevent the spread of infection, students, researchers and research staff (laboratory staff) must reduce the amount of time they stay on-site and, if possible, consider working from home. Classes will be conducted in hybrid format, combining in-person instruction and online study, with utmost measures taken to prevent infection. Some extracurricular activities are allowed, with the provision that the utmost consideration is taken to prevent the spread of infection.
However, depending on the infection situation, activities may be prohibited.
In principle, meetings should be held online (videoconferencing) only. In principle, entry is allowed; however, restrictions may be put in place as deemed necessary, according to the state of the spread of infection.
D Only the minimum number of laboratory staff necessary are permitted to enter the laboratories in order to continue experiments and research  in progress. The staff members entering the laboratories reduce the amount of time they stay on-site, and other staff members should work from home. Classes will be held mainly online, but if in-person instruction is deemed to have more educational benefit, such classes will be conducted face to face (including in hybrid format with online classes) while exercising the utmost measures to prevent infection. Prohibited Online only In principle, only gates with guards present remain open, and entrants must show their Health Management Report.
E The following research staff (depending on circumstances, may also apply to graduate students and researchers) are permitted to enter their laboratories.
1) Research staff who are currently conducting long-term experiments that would experience a significant loss to their research if stopped;
2) Research staff who are involved with finishing or stopping experiments in progress
3) Research staff who will enter the laboratories briefly to take care of living organisms, replenish liquid nitrogen, conduct maintenance to preserve research materials such as repairing freezers, or conduct server maintenance.
In principle, classes will be held online. However, when face-to-face instruction is deemed necessary from the standpoint of educational benefit and other considerations, in-person classes (including in hybrid format with online classes) will be allowed, with utmost consideration given to prevent the spread of infection. Prohibited Online only Only gates with guards present remain open, and entrants must show their Health Management Report.
F No research activities of any kind are allowed on campus. Online classes only Prohibited Online only Entry prohibited
* Activity restrictions listed here do not apply to medical staff.
* These guidelines are subject to change at any time in response to changes in the situation.

Research and Education Activities

Please see the page below for details on research results on COVID-19 and other related news from the University of Tokyo.

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