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大学連盟主催プログラム 体験記

AUA 加盟大学によるプログラム
AUA Lecture Series

2022 Future of Energy(Online)1名
2021 Young Asian Economists(Online)5名 [EN]

中国 清華大学

2018 AUA Tsinghua International Summer School 2名
2017 AUA Youth Innovation Workshop 4名 [EN]

インド インド工科大学

2019 AUA S3(Sun, Society, and Sustainability)1名
2019 AUA Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship 2名 [EN]

タイ チュラロンコン大学

2021 AUA Humanizing Digital 2021(オンライン)3名
2018 AUA Mega City Environments and Resource Management (MERM) 1名
2017 AUA Youth Forum 3名

インドネシア インドネシア大学

2023 AUA UI-UM Asia Deep Dive Program 3名
2018 AUA Youth Forum 3名

韓国 ソウル大学校

2019 AUA Design Thinking for Urban Challenges 2名
2017 AUA Student Activity 2名

スリランカ コロンボ大学

2019 AUA Youth Forum 5名[EN]

マレーシア マラヤ大学

2021 AUA-UM Overseas Study Program-Shaping the Future Generation for Life Beyond COVID-19(オンライン)1名
2021 AUA Youth Forum(オンライン)2名
2019 UM Appreciating Diverse Communities Through Art 2名
2018 AUA UM Tropical Camp 2名

アラブ首長国連邦 アラブ首長国連邦大学

2023 AUA Youth Forum 4名
2019 AUA Asia Deep Dive Program 2名
2018 AUA Challenge For Innovation 3名

カザフスタン共和国 ナザルバエフ大学

2022 AUA-NU Overseas Study Program(オンライン)1名
2020 AUA Youth Forum - Building a Meta Silk Road: integration of Asian cultures in the real and virtual universe 3名
2018 AUA Experiencing Kazakhstan - the heart of Central Asia 2名

香港 香港科技大学

2024 AUA Youth Forum 3名

AEARU 加盟大学によるプログラム
香港 Summer Institute of Extended Flip

2023 HKUST Summer Institute of Extended Flip 1名

台湾 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Winter Program

2019 AEARU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Winter Program 3名

韓国 Winter Abroad Program

2021 Winter Abroad Program at Yonsei University(オンライン)1名

韓国 International Summer Institute

2017 International Summer Institute at SNU 2名

AEARU 学生サマーキャンプ

2018 AEARU Student Summer Camp 2名
2010 AEARU 学生サマーキャンプ 4名

AEARU 学生ウィンターキャンプ

2019 AEARU-SNU Winter Ski Camp 1名

APRU 加盟大学によるプログラム
APRU 学生サマープログラム

2016 APRU学生サマ-プログラム 3名
2015 APRU学生サマープログラム 2名
2009・2010 APRU学生サマープログラム 4名

Undergraduate Leaders Program (ULP)

2018 Undergraduate Leaders Program (ULP) 3名
2017 Undergraduate Leaders Program (ULP) 2名 [EN]

APRU 博士課程会議

2009・2010 APRU 博士課程学生会議 6名 [EN]

IARU Global Summer Program
デンマーク University of Copenhagen/米国 University of California, Berkeley

2023 Global Transformation Summer School 1名

オーストラリア Australian National University

2018 From Australia to the world: Landscapes of politics and power 3名
2014 Indigenous Peoples and Development 1名
2013 Long-Term Biodiversity and Climate Change in Asia-Pacific 2名 [EN]
2012 International Environmental Policy 2名 [EN]
2011 International Environmental Policy 2名
2010 International Environmental Policy 1名 [EN]

スイス ETH Zurich

2017 ETH1 Sustainability Summer School 2名 [EN]
2014 ETH Sustainability Summer School 3名 [EN]
2014 Sustainable Agriculture and the World Food System 1名 [EN]
2012 Eating Tomorrow - Rethinking the World Food System 1名

シンガポール National University of Singapore

2018 Southeast Asia in Context 3名 [EN]
2018 Asia Now! The Archaeology of the Future City 2名 [EN]
2017 Southeast Asia in Context 1名 [EN]
2017 Animals and the City 1名
2016 Southeast Asia in Context 2名 [EN]
2016 Animals in the City [EN]
2015 Asia Now! The Archaeology of the Future City 2名
2014 Southeast Asia in Context 2名
2014 Asia Now! The Archaeology of the Future City 2名
2013 Asia Now! - Southeast Asian Cosmopolitan Urbanism 2名
2012 Asia Now! - Sustainable Urbanism in Asia 1名
2012 Asia Now! - Southeast Asian Cosmopolitan Urbanism 2名
2011 Asia Now! - Southeast Asian Cosmopolitan Urbanism 3名
2011 Southeast Asia in Context 2名 [EN]

中国 Peking University

2023 The Rise of China and Change in World Politics1名
2019 China's Original International Strategy the Belt and Road Initiatives 2名
2019 Introduction to Chinese Economy 1名
2018 China's Original International Strategy: The Belt and Road Initiatives 1名 [EN]
2017 Understanding Chinese Foreign Policy Making 2名[EN]
2014 Major Issues Concerning the Rise of China 3名
2013 Population Ageing and Health等 5名
2012 Population Ageing and Health等 3名 [EN]
2011 Chinese Politics and Public Policy, Comparative Philosophy 2名
2010 Economic System Reform in China, Comparative Philosophy 2名

米国 University of California, Berkeley

2022 Game Theory in the Social Sciences (Online) 1名[EN]
2019 Disc* Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities 1名
2018 Environmental Leadership Program 1名
2018 Disc*:Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities 2名 [EN]
2017 Islamophobia and Constructing Otherness 2名 [EN]
2015 Media and Global Protest Movements 2名
2014 Environmental Leadership Program 1名
2014 Media and Global Protest Movements 1名
2013 Media and Global Protest Movements 2名
2013 Summer Peace Institute 3名(コスタリカでの開催)
2012 Islam 2.0: Media & the Re-shaping of Muslim Identity in the 21st Century 1名
2012 Summer Peace Institute 3名(コスタリカでの開催) [EN]
2011 Media and Society: The Middle East in the Global Context 2名 [EN]
2011 Summer Peace Institute 2名(コスタリカでの開催) [EN]
2010 Media, Culture, and Society: The Middle East in the Global Context 3名

英国 University of Cambridge

2019 Business and Entrepreneurship Summer Programme 1名
2012 Shaping the World: Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future 2名
2011 Shaping the World: Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future 3名
2010 Shaping the World: Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future 1名

デンマーク University of Copenhagen

2019 Cultural Rights: A Promising Global Discourse? 1名
2019 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Aging 2名 [EN]
2019 Privacy challenged in past, present and future: a multi-disciplinary approach ​2名 [EN] 
2018 Cultural Rights: A Promising Global Discourse? 1名 [EN]
2018 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Aging 2名 [EN]
2018 New Urban Life Across the Globe: Activism and Change in a World of Cities 1名
2017 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Aging 2名[EN]
2016 Kierkegaard: The Individual in the Global Society 1名[EN]
2016 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Aging 1名[EN]
2015 Kierkegaard: The Individual in the Global Society 1名
2015 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Aging 1名
2014 Kierkegaard: The Individual in the Global Society 2名 [EN]
2014 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Aging 3名
2013 Kierkegaard: The Individual in the Global Society 3名
2013 Security: Theories, Practices and Dilemmas of Widening the Concept 5名 [EN]
2013 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Ageing 1名
2012 Kierkegaard: The Individual in the Global Society 5名 [EN]
2012 Security: Theories, Practices and Dilemmas of Widening the Concept 5名 [EN]
2012 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Ageing 5名 [EN]
2011 Kierkegaard: The Individual in the Global Society 1名 [EN]
2011 Security: Theories, Practices & Dilemmas 2名
2011 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Healthy Ageing 3名 [EN]
2010 Mental Health in Low Income Settings 1名
2010 Development of Sustainabale Periurban Lanscapes 1名

英国 University of Oxford

2023 International Politics Summer School 1名
2018 Global Challenges of the 21st Century – Environmental, Technological and Urban Sustainability 2名
2017 Global Challenges of the 21st Century 2名[EN]
2015 Global Challenges of the 21st Century 2名
2013 Global Challenges of the 21st Century 1名
2012 Global Challenges of the 21st Century 1名
2011 Global Challenges of the 21st Century 2名 [EN]
2010 Oxford Seminar in Global Leadership: the World in the 21st Century 2名

米国 Yale University

2019 Certificate Programs for International 1名
2018 The Sustainable Preservation of Cultural Heritage 2名 [EN]
2018 Future of Food: Environment, Health, and Law 2名 [EN]
2017 The Sustainable Preservation of Cultural Heritage 1名[EN]
2016 The Sustainable Preservation of Cultural Heritage: An Introduction to a Global Challenge of Our Time 1名[EN]
2015 Moral foundation of politics 2名
2014 Foreign Policy and International Law 1名
2013 Sustainability and Institutions: Enabling Innovation and Transformation 3名
2012 Sustainability and Institutions: Enabling Innovation and Transformation 4名 [EN]
2012 Topics in International Economics 1名
2011 Topics in International Economics 2名 [EN]
2010 Topics in International Economics 1名

南アフリカ University of Cape Town

2019 Afropolitanism,Social Justice and Entrepreneurship 3名
2018 Sustainable Water Management in Africa 2名 [EN]